The "NLP & Mindfulness" (online) course is ready!

The course aims to transfer knowledge, practice and acquire the skill of understanding and adapting to the needs, ways of thinking and respectively ways of transferring easily accessible information when working with learners and youth.

Through the techniques and methods of NLP and mindfulness teachers will achieve a better way of communicating with their learners, ways of stimulating the pupils/learner, empowering and leading them to higher achievements in STEM and other topics.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic doesn't allow us to meet on site and deliver the training (which was the initial plan), we have decided to offer it online but synchronously this time. This is because we want to try several delivery options and address everyone's needs. We know that there are people who prefer to "meet" with the peers and the trainers, so we used zoom to host these courses.

To increase the total number of students who could complete this course, we decided to offer an asynchronous version afterwards, with the recordings of the training and resources/activities that have been posted in our virtual learning platform.

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